Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break is here!

A break is finally here and I'm trying so hard to get motivated. After spending some time checking on everyone else in the blog world I'm truly amazed at how many projects folks get accomplished while I'm dreaming of the possibilities. The paint on the house is still peeling and I should really be scraping. There's yet one more room basked in Christmas attire. Yes... Christmas attire. In my defense, it's upstairs where we never go and we never have visitors. I know not a good excuse but the one that keeps me going. So I know I'm not on everybody's blog favorite list. In fact, I'm pretty confident I'm not on anyone's list... but if you happen to stop be please leave me a comment and share how you get moving on all the terrific projects!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year!

So the new year is hear and off and running . It's back to work and probably past time to take down the 40+ trees and additional decor. However, with the darkness and dreariness of winter I just can't bring myself to stop looking at everyone's imaginative blogs long enough to do anything but stay curled up under my blanket and dream. The basement is halfway organized and the rest should really be organized prior to packing everything away again. Right? However, let's procrastinate a bit more and lend more brightness of the Christmas season to the cold days of January. Enjoy!

 The Study.

The Stairway

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

First day of Creativity

Yesterday was my first chance at expressing creativity since beginning the blog. It started with a fried egg on whole wheat toast. Guess that could be considered a creative breakfast. Right? Next creative moment- sewing 3 ripped buttons from my husband's shirt. He could have sworn that he had already buttoned those buttons as he pulled his shirt off. Hmm. Button replacement successful and on to stitching a rip in his red, moose-print, sleep pants. That darn 50's dining table! Not his exact words, of course. Possibly a year beyond the accident, this was certainly a success and loads of time left in the day. Right? That's what would be the case in most households. Not mine. While I was happily sewing and repairing, my creative and ever-efficient husband decided to seal an evidently large space in the crawl space under our kitchen accessible to the frigid outdoor temperatures on one side of the area and by our cats from the basement. Long story short, cats and Great Stuff spray-in insulation don't make the ingredients for a happy creative experience! The next 8 hours at least were spent trimming the product from Samson kitty's fur and feet. An absolute true mess but yet such a creative grooming! Next up? Many hopes for a more happy creative experience in the days to come.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Got To be Creative

2011 is just around the corner and I've realized that I have to work at being creative. You see, I thrive on being creative. Creativity is an outlet for stress and an avenue for future creations. Within this blog, I hope to explore the many ways of being creative while I strive to create somehow some thing at least once a month. In our busy lives, we have to make time for those experiences that help us to grow and make us better persons. So... this is my effort to make life better! If you have creative projects please share them as I share mine in hopes of inspiring others and myself.